
Membership Benefits

As a member of the NZ Male Choir you will be able to enjoy the following benefits:

  • receive vocal and choral tuition from some of New Zealand’s leading choral directors and repetiteurs,
  • international tours  – every 5 years it aims to tour the northern hemisphere and every 2 to 3 years throughout Australasia,
  • experience the magic of  singing with male choristers from throughout the country,
  • enjoy the camaraderie of fellow choristers and their families and the opportunity to make lifelong friends,
  • have the chance to represent New Zealand both nationally and internationally.



Audition Process

Prior to auditioning you will be invited to attend a rehearsal to see what the Choir is all about, meet some of the members, see if you would like to take the next step of auditioning to join and to meet our Musical Director. When appropriate you will then be invited to undertake an audition at a future rehearsal.

The audition process is relaxed and is held privately by the Musical Director and pianist. You may wish to present a song you have prepared or we can provide a simple one for you. You will be asked to sing a few scales and also undertake some sight-reading.

The audition is about us discovering your talent and where your voice fits in the choir.

Generally you are advised of your success or otherwise the same day as your audition.

Members Responsibilities

Enjoying the Choir

As well as enjoying the experience of singing with a talented group of men, enjoying fun and friendships is a very important character of the choir. As part of practise weekends and tours you will get the opportunity to relax and enjoy the company of fellow choristers and their partners.  The Choir is serious about the quality of its sound and just as focused on making sure that the Choir experience is rewarding. If this sounds like something you wish to be part of, come along and discover this for yourself.

Learning the Music

The Choir has a broad repertoire of over 200 songs.  You are expected to know the current seasons 30 song repertoire by memory. We do not like performing with music and those that do not know the songs will not be invited to perform.

New members will not perform with the Choir until at least 3 months after they join and when they can sing without  music confidently.

Membership Fee

The choir has an annual membership fee and we aim to subsidise tour and practice costs with performance income and sponsorship.

The current  full Choir membership subscription and suggested donation is $525 per annum paid by lump sum, monthly or quarterly  instalments.

Although the Choir does receive some funding and sponsorship most costs for tours and practices do remain with Choir members

Weekend Practices

The choir practices every month as two separate North and South Island contingents. We also aim to get the full choir together at least twice a year.

The practices are normally over a weekend or holiday period and may be organised  to provide adequate time for those traveling. Practices may be combined with public workshops, tours and performances throughout the year.

Accommodation is available through billets on occasions otherwise we use private/hotel/motel accommodation. When successful, sponsorship funding may assist with practice expenses.


If you wish an application form or more information click here.

Te Roopu Waiata Tira Tāne O Aotearoa

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